JJ-Lurgi Attains Dual ISO Certifications in Indonesia

The ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System and ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certifications supplement the company’s construction licence in Indonesia

JJ-Lurgi, the life sciences joint venture of Jebsen & Jessen Group and Air Liquide, has secured two new ISO certifications in Indonesia. Its Indonesian subsidiary, JJ-Lurgi Engineering Indonesia (JJLEI), has received the ISO 37001:2016 (Anti-Bribery Management System) and ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System), supplementing the Indonesian construction licence received in mid-2023. This accomplishment positions JJ-Lurgi as a frontrunner in providing exceptional engineering services and solutions within Indonesia and significantly strengthens JJ-Lurgi's global expansion strategy.

Spearheading Excellence: Achieving Certification Early

Demonstrating their commitment to excellence, JJLEI took the initiative to pursue these certifications. Under the local leadership led by the late Bapak Dolyn Sitompul and later on by Ibu Lusi Lukman, these certifications were overseen and expedited by company manager Si Howe Lim. The team managed to achieve them ahead of the stipulated timeline of June 2024, showcasing their dedication, focus, and commitment to exceeding expectations.

Dual Certification and Construction License: A Powerful Combination

The securing of the Anti-Bribery Management System certification (ISO 37001:2016) ​ signifies JJ-Lurgi's commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards related to corporate governance, risk management and compliance. Meanwhile, the Quality Management System certification (ISO 9001:2015) emphasises their commitment to quality and continual improvement in meeting customers’ and other stakeholders’ needs and requirements. Coupled with the Indonesian construction licence, these certifications will equip JJ-Lurgi with the necessary qualifications to take on a wider range of projects, further solidifying their position as a leading provider of high-quality engineering solutions in Indonesia.

First in the Group: A Pioneering Achievement

JJ-Lurgi Engineering Indonesia is the first company within the Jebsen & Jessen Group and the JJ-Lurgi Business Unit to achieve this prestigious dual certification. This accomplishment sets a high standard for excellence and paves the way for other JJ-Lurgi operations to follow suit. Moving forward, the team is preparing to expand the number of ISO-certified subsidiaries, with the Malaysian headquarters as the next target to be onboarded in due time.

Si Howe Lim, Company Manager of JJ-Lurgi Engineering Indonesia, has expressed his gratitude, saying: "This achievement would not have been possible without the invaluable support and guidance provided by Ibu Lusi Lukman, who stepped up to support JJLEI’s core ISO team, Ibu Eliza Hernawati and Ibu Desi Mariana. The dedication and expertise of these three ‘superwomen’ were instrumental in navigating the certification process efficiently," said Lim Si Howe, General Manager - Global Contracts & Exe Project Management of JJ-Lurgi.


"We are incredibly proud of the JJ-Lurgi Indonesia team for achieving this remarkable milestone. Their commitment to quality and ethical practices aligns perfectly with JJ-Lurgi's global expansion strategy. This dual certification positions JJ-Lurgi as a trusted leader in the Indonesian engineering sector, opening doors to exciting new opportunities," said Martin Overgaard, CEO of JJ-Lurgi.




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About JJ-Lurgi Engineering

JJ-Lurgi Engineering is a joint venture between Jebsen & Jessen and Air Liquide. Our engineering roots are in Germany; in Asia we contract ourselves locally and have established in-house a new generation of expertise attuned to our clients’ particular needs.

Our experience provides insights into the nuances of oleo culture, influencing our work now and into the future. Our business has transformed over the years to become a fully-fledged engineering practice today.

  • Successfully delivered more than 300 process plants across South East Asia and beyond.
  • Market leaders of innovation in technology and process development.
  • Full engineering service, delivered here in Asia.
  • Reliability ensures sustained client relationships over decades.
